House Viewings

House Viewings: The Do's & The Don'ts

Moving home is not complicated but it can be daunting, as your home is one of the largest investments you will ever sell. Although the Internet has the changed the world, buying and selling property is a very people orientated business and good communication is essential for a successful move, the traditional, physical house viewing remains a vital component of the decision making process. Therefore, it remains as crucial as ever for homeowners selling their property to do all they can to ensure their home is looking its best.

If you are happy to show your own home, at times that suit you, I will talk you through my suggestions for showing your home to prospective buyers, covering aspects, handling questions, sequence and presentation of rooms.

I've outlined below a few key do's and don'ts that any seller would be wise to follow when showing potential buyers around their home.

The Do's:

Ensure all odd jobs are complete

Inevitably, there are typically a whole host of small jobs required to bring out a property's full potential before it goes on to the market. Ensuring these are done - from a fresh lick of paint, to ensuring all the light bulbs throughout the house are working - will heighten the chances of potential buyers leaving with a positive impression of your property.


For anyone who has ever watched the likes of Location, Location, Location - this one has been around for some time. But then there's good reason - it's of vital importance when it comes to selling your house. When viewing your property, buyers will picture themselves in the rooms, as well as their furniture and general belongings. If the space is crammed, and clutter is piled high, you will only make this more difficult - and potentially put off potential buyers.

A trend that has been bandied about the internet is the 12-12-12 challenge; the idea is to locate 12 items that should be thrown away/recycled, 12 items to donate to charity, and 12 items that can be relocated to their original spot - such as a drawer, or stowaway box.

Fresh air

While Scottish weather is unpredictable at the best of times, having a couple of windows open when possible is always a good idea, as it'll allow fresh air in and remove any potentially off-putting smells. Fresh flowers are also a good idea - they make a colourful addition to most rooms, and will also add to the pleasant aromas of fresh air.

Show your house in the right order

Regardless of the size of your property, it can sometimes be a bit daunting deciding which direction to take potential buyers first when showing your home.

I will talk you through my suggestions for the best sequence of rooms. I believe that you should always strive to start off in the public rooms, followed by the kitchen/utility, and then on to the bedrooms and bathroom(s), followed by the gardens and garage. Always start and finish in the best room in your home!

Give viewers time and space

Don't ever rush viewers, ensure they are at ease and can feel free to look around without any certain time pressures. Sometimes viewers may run late or often arrive slightly early...Sometimes it is not a bad thing for viewers to see someone else viewing!

The Dont's:

Only allow pre-booked viewings

If people turn up on your doorstep without any pre-arrange viewing, many home owners can feel torn about whether to let a potential buyer come in for an impromptu viewing. However, it is never a good idea to let people view your property with no warning when you're not prepared - Advise them to either contact the RE/MAX Property Marketing Centre or myself to arrange a viewing at a time that suits you both.

Avoid powerful odours

We all love flavour-packed, home-cooked dishes, but if and when a viewing is imminent - avoid these types of meals. Buyers will often be put off by strong smells of cooking, which can easily flow through much of the house.

Keep pets out of the way

No room in your house should be cordoned off to viewers when they arrive. Ensure pets are out of the house (if you can) at the time of viewing is always the way to go - especially as some could feel uncomfortable around certain pets, such as large, loud dogs.

Don't give out your number

While it may seem harmless giving out your mobile number to a potential buyer, we do not recommend this. Always encourage potential buyers to liaise directly with the RE/MAX Property Marketing Centre or myself.

Avoid conversations on price

It's no surprise that money often comes up as a main topic of conversation when a house viewing is underway, especially if it's a second or third visit and particularly if a very good price is mentioned. Sometimes buyers may change their minds the next day. It is unwise to get into these discussions on price, however informal, as they could hamper negotiations down the line. Again, this is a topic that should be referred back to the RE/MAX Property Marketing Centre or myself.

Entry Dates

Entry dates are often very flexible and agreed by both parties. Again, this is a topic that should be referred back to the RE/MAX Property Marketing Centre or myself.

Entry Dates

Accompanied Viewings At RE/MAX we understand that people today have busy family and working lives, and that's why we offer an accompanied viewing service allowing us to show your home on your behalf. I am available seven days a week.