Thank you for visiting my website. My background is digital marketing and I wanted to create an informative website that would be educational in terms of all things property related. Buying and selling a house can be stressful and rather than showcase several properties, I wanted to help my clients understand the processes involved in successfully selling your home or looking to purchase that 'dream home'.

The 'I am' precursor was taken from the popular TV series- 'The Walking Dead.' Ther was a nefarious character named Negan. He inspired all of his followers to state "I am Negan.' Each and every one of them was 'Negan'. As a collective group they were unified as a team.

I like cooking and I have adopted the Keith Floyd style in that I either have a glass of wine or a bottle of beer to help the creative juices to flow. I firmly believe that good food helps to break down barriers and eating around a table with good relaxed conversation helps establish firm relationships.

Its with this conviction that I, once appointed as your estate agent, will cook you a meal and we will discuss how I am going to sell your home and together we wil go on a life long journey that will be beneficial for all. It will be an honour to be entrusted with your property and I will do my very best to get more than the listed price

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