Learn The Basics of Google Ads

Learn The Basics of Google Ads

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Learn The Basics of Google Ads

so in order to make the a little bit more clear on how campaigns, ad groups and ads are all related,

let's talk a little bit about that hierarchy. At the highest level, we have campaigns. Campaigns determine the end goal of what you're trying to accomplish. For example, maybe your goal is to increase brand awareness, maybe it's to sell a product or maybe it's to drive traffic to a website. Campaigns may consist of multiple ad groups, and multiple ads within those ad groups. Ad groups fall underneath campaigns in the hierarchy, and they deal specifically with targeting. Each ad group will consist of ads that are meant to target a specific group of users. Ads are the actual creatives. In our case, those are the video ads that users will see before videos on YouTube. Let's take a look at a visual example of how the hierarchy is structured. So, as you can see, we have one campaign up here at the top. Underneath that one campaign, we have two different ad groups, which will target different people. And then within those two ad groups, we have to address enticements in each ad group, that will bring that targeting even more specific. To better explain how all these items are related, let's use an example. Let's say we want to create a campaign to increase brand awareness of our car brand-BMW. Within our one campaign of brand awareness, we want to target multiple groups of people. For this example, let's say that we want to target users interested in SUVs, and also users interested in Sedans. To do this from within our one campaign, we would set up two ad groups, one for SUVs and one for Sedan car drivers. It's important to understand how the hierarchy works. From within each of our ad groups, we can upload and customize as many ads as we'd like. Obviously, the ads used for oursedan cars ad group, would have a different creative, than the ads that are used for our suv ad group. So from this example, you can see that we would have one campaign, that would have multiple ad groups, and then each ad group would have multiple ads. As we continue to use Google Ads, we would also create multiple campaigns, maybe one for brand awareness, and maybe one for selling products. Hopefully, you're now familiar with where the main features of Google Ads are located, and how the hierarchy of campaigns ad groups in Ads is structured.

YouTube Advertising Terms screenshot 1

YouTube Advertising Terms screenshot 2

YouTube Advertising Terms screenshot 2

YouTube Advertising

screenshot of Google Ads display

Social Media Campaign