Social Media Marketing - Overview
Social Media Marketing
Opportunity to build the three most important elements.
- Trust You
How do we create these relationships
Social Media
Showcase Your Professionalism
Social Media for Sales Agents
80% - 20%
Create lasting relationships and build trust by utilizing social media for its intended purpose.
The need to get to know the sales person and to showcase their personality as well as professionalism.
Personal Brand Matters
Time, effort and committment with a focus on who you are as a person and what you bring to the table
Who's Here?
94% of millenial homebuyers are taking their search online
84% of baby boomers used various sites to search for their future home
Ranked #4 in the top 10 most annoying industries on Social media.
Get To Know Your Audience
77% of brand conversations on social media are people who are looking for advice, information or help
Set Your Goals
- Increase website traffic
- Raise your follower count/li>
- Improve engagement rates
- Produce more property enquiries or sales
Provide Substance
- Give your audience the information they need
- Address their fears/li>
- Simplify the selling process
- Allow for input & create conversations
Types of Content
- Promotional: Listing photos, car video and brand awareness
- Informative "How to add £2,000 to the value of your BMW car/li>
- Non Car related: 5 things to do in Glasgow this Christmas"
Content Example
- Listing Photos and Video
- Use Facebook live for Q and A for each Vehicler/li>
- Star a car Blog / Vlog
- Create and participate in local and industry groups
- Create videos relevant to people in your area
- Nostaligic photos of your area
- Nostaligic photos of vintage BMWs
- LinkedIn articles
- News and Events in your area
- Car tip of the day
- New BMW Agent V/log
- Current events affecting the Scottish Car Market
So why are car salespersons NOT doing these recommendations?
- Not receiving results right away
- Need to reach critical mass over time-few months to gain traction
- Takes a great deal of effort and consistency, its hard.
Choose one example from above and DO IT
Be Consistant
Provide value on a regular basis and motivate people to keep coming back, creating enough interactions for your audience to get to know you.
"It takes a life time to become an overnight success!"
Showcase Your Personality
- Be yourself
- Practice in front of the camera
- A personal connection will mean repeat and referral business
Get Personal
Get to know your audience by engaging through comments and private messages
Make your audience feel like they're part of a shared experience
Connect With Past Clients
Social Media is perfect for maintaining connections with former clients, Become their source for all things BMW.
Video Testimonials
Video reviews of satisfied customers will increase credibility and lead to exponential growth.
Track the performance and engagement of each post on each platform.
Spend Money
Boost posts that are doing well and take advantage of the Golden Age of Social Media advertising.
Personal Brand Audit
- Will you showcase your knowledge about BMW by blogging/vlogging about it?
- Will you go out of your way to engage in conversations online and in groups?
- Will you create content that is relevant to existing and prospecive buyers and sellers in your community?
- When someone thinks 'BMW' will you be the first person that comes to mind?
Social Media Campaign
Facebook Advertising
Google Adwords-YouTube Video
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Learn advertising terms and concepts
How advertising works on YouTube
Google Adwords Advertising
Marketing Content
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My Music Selection